Keep on Trac-en
April 14th, 2005 by JTJ

The good folks from TRAC just
keep on keepin' on.  Once again David Burnham and Susan B. Long
are out in front on the effort to demand that the people's data be made
available to the people.  So comes this from TRAC today:

IRS is illegally withholding information about its operations, claiming
that the public release of some of it would compromise homeland
security. Details of the agency's actions are laid out in the lawsuit
against the IRS filed on April 14 under the Freedom of Information Act.
The lawsuit, brought for TRAC's co-directors David Burnham and Susan B.
Long by Scott Nelson of the Public Citizen Litigation Group, is part of
an ongoing effort to provide the American people with information they
need to judge how the IRS is carrying out its important
responsibilities. The agency's current policy of refusing to make
public routine statistical information and how it is collected reverses
a thirty-year period of relative openness. To see a press release about
the filing, the actual complaint and a short discussion of the dangers
posed by IRS secrecy, go to”:  

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