Mapping the good and the bad, airwise
February 21st, 2006 by JTJ

The folks at CCA again point us to a helpful story.  Perhaps some concerned group — Enviromental Journalists? — could fire up a web page like this and make it available to any publication that would want to put it on its front web page.

“UK Emissions Maps

Published Monday, February 20, 2006 by CCAer |

of the challenges in reducing emissions and air pollutants is that
individuals have a hard time seeing how their own behaviour is
affecting the environment. The UK’s National Atmospheric Emissions Inventory takes a step in the direction of focusing the responsibility for emissions to a more local level. The NAEI offers a number of different maps of the UK
showing emission sources for various chemicals as well as providing
rather large Excel files that pinpoint the sources even further.
Emissions levels can also be searched by postal code. Data is mostly
from 2003.

In a related news story, the News Telegraph talks about a UK carbon map developed by the NAEI and the Carbon Trust.
The map(s
) reflect emission levels per square kilometre which can be
deceiving as emission levels probably correlate to population density
to an extent.”

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