Thanks, Phil. And you, too, Google Alert.
March 16th, 2006 by JTJ

Well, yeah.  We were pleased and appreciative of the mention Phil Meyer give to the IAJ in his op-ed in USA Today on Wednesday.  We're also impressed that Google Alerts picked it up and forwarded the item in less than 12 hours after publication.  Sure, the Google spiders no doubt have the newspaper high on its/their “revisit often” list, but much of the material we have been getting are somewhat dated.  Not this time.  So thanks for the mention, Phil, and Google.

“Google Alert for: “analytic journalism”
Public good is served when we know what 'ain't so,' too
USA Today – USA

Tom Johnson of the Institute for Analytic Journalism
in Santa Fe has called a meeting next month of journalists and social
scientists concerned with the …”

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