Open Source Data Visualization Framework – Axiis
May 23rd, 2009 by analyticjournalism

 Yet again, Nathan at FlowingData corrals a good application tool/tip….

Open Source Data Visualization Framework – Axiis

Posted by Nathan / May 22, 2009 to Software, Statistical Visualization / 6 comments

Open Source Data Visualization Framework - Axiis

Axiis, an open source data visualization framework in Flex, was released a few days ago under an MIT license. I haven't done much in Flex, but from what I hear, it's relatively easy to pick up. You get a lot of bang out of a few lines of code. Axiis makes things even easier, and provides visualization outside the built in Flex graph packages.

Axiis gives developers the ability to expressively define their data visualizations through concise and intuitive markup. Axiis has been designed with a specific focus on elegant code, where your code can be just as beautiful as your visual output.

Above is the wedge stack graph. Here's your standard area graphs:

See what other visualizations you can create with Axiis here.


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