Our friend Barbara Semonche, news researcher extraordinaire, makes the following post to the NewLib listserv:
“If our NewsLib subscribers
are interested in the fulltext of the Coleman and Wilkins research on
journalists' ethics (published in the Autumn 2004 issue of Journalism
& Mass Communication Quarterly) here is the direct
URL: http://www.aejmc.org/pubs/jmcqaut04/coleman.pdf
“Makes for
rather provocative reading in some respects. An example: this research
mentions two variables — investigative reporting and civic journalism
— as having been linked to moral development in journalists in
qualitative work. The researchers in their literature review
mention studies that have
shown investigative reporters to make moral decisions regarding
wrongdoing then abandon objectivity to push for public good, serve as
moral judges, and deal with ethical issues more than other types of
reporters. Hmmmmmm.”