We tend to comment more on analytic methods than news delivery techniques, but today we offer an interesting example of the latter. Ifra, the European-based newspaper training — and R&D — organization, publishes something called newspaper techniques ePaper. It is published IoP (ink-on-paper), but there is also an online version. Check it out at the link below. It is easier to read if you have a tablet PC with a vertical/portrait display mode. (Someday, every screen will have an easy-to-rotate mode, we hope.) Still, the quality of the delivered package here is better than anything we've seen coming out of the North American media or media association efforts.
“Dear media professional,
Newspaper techniques is now also available in a state-of-the-art
digital version!
Try it free this month at http://www.ifra-nt.com/epaper_nt .
nt ePaper is one-for-one the same as the paper edition — same
content, same presentation, same impact. Its advanced technology
leverages the familiar and effective page-turning reading
experience, enhanced with embedded links to the rich content of
newspaper techniques' microsites at http://ifra-nt.com.
— Special introductory offer: Subscribe to the newspaper techniques
ePaper edition for the rest of 2006 for just 54 Euros.
E-mail mailto:subscriptions@ifra.com for information.
The Ifra Publications team
http://www.ifra-nt.com/epaper_nt “