New JAGIS book on mapping disease
March 23rd, 2005 by JTJ

Tom Koch is an early-adapter of the tools of analytic journalism and a friend of the IAJ. 

“In an important new book to be published by ESRI Press in spring 2005,
author Koch explores the role that mapping has played in man's
ongoing struggle to understand and treat illness.
book coverIn Cartographies of Disease: Maps, Mapping, and Medicine,
he argues that we are all fellow travelers in the war against disease
as well as agents complicit in their engagement. The communities we
build, the technologies that enable them, and the commerce that
sustains them together assure an environment favorable to the advance
of microscopic disease agents. In a real way, medical science plays
catch-up with the health problems we create in our evolving society;
its scientific advances are a response to the diseases we foster
through economic, environmental, and social choices.

–ESRI catalog blurb

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