Jump into the study of epidemiology with Prof. David Kleinbaum and Prof. Nancy Barker in the online course “Fundamentals of Epidemiology” at statistics.com June 10 – July 15. Using their electronic textbook “ActiveEpi”, this introductory course emphasizes the underlying concepts andmethods of epidemiology. Topics covered include: study designs (clinical trials, cohort studies, case-control studies, and cross-sectional studies), measures of disease frequency and effect.
Dr. Kleinbaum, professor at Emory University, is internationally known for his textbooks in statistical and epidemiologic methods and also as an outstanding teacher. He is the author of “Epidemiologic Research-Principles and Quantitative Methods”, “Logistic Regression- A Self-Learning Text”, and “Survival Analysis- A Self Learning Text”. Prof. Barker is a consulting biostatistician and a co-author of the “ActivEpi Companion Text”, and has over 10 years of experience teaching short courses in epidemiology and biostatistics at Emory and at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
The course takes place online at statistics.com in a series of 5 weekly lessons and assignments. Course participants work directly with both instructors via a private discussion board. Participate in the course at your own convenience; there are no set times when you are required to be online.
For registration and information:
Peter Bruce
P.S. Coming up June 3 at statistics.com: “Toxicological
Risk Assessment” and “Using the Census's new 'American
Community Survey' ” and, on June 10, “Categorical Data