The Digital Garden of Eden
June 14th, 2005 by JTJ

Ah, yes, the origins of us all (who are interested in the Digital

It was supposed to be a promotional event last Wednesday night for John
Markoff's new book, “
What the Dormouse Said: How the Sixties Counterculture Shaped the Personal Computer Industry,”  but it turned out to be a reunion of the Homebrew Computer Club
and a tribute night for Doug Engelbart, another one of those guys with
a broader vision than most of us.  And Tom Foremski, writing for
SiliconValleyWatcher , supplies a fine account of the evening. 

Read the story, but be sure to check out the link: “
This is the seminal 1968 demo
that changed the lives of those that saw it, or just heard about it.
Lee Felsenstein said 'The demo changed my thinking and I wasn't even
there, I had heard about it third-hand.'”

These film clips (only available in the Real Player format) of Engelbart's 1968 show-and-tell have the historic import of the films of Edison describing what's going on in his lab.

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