More government employees may be removed from public records
August 18th, 2005 by JTJ

Tamara Thompson reports on her blog PI News Link….

~ more government employees may be removed from public records ~

By Tamara Thompson Investigations

SB 506
will add an additional group of public officials to the roster of
those whose personal data is confidential. Keep this idea filed in the
back of your hat. When subject to a potential threat, various
government employees may apply to have their address and other
identifiers removed from public records. In its current form, SB 506
the application for closure a public record. If the
document exists, you'll know that the subject has convinced another
public official that “a life threatening circumstance” exists that
impels the request for confidentiality.

“This bill would require a local elections official to extend this
confidentiality of voter registration information to specified public
safety officials, upon application, as specified, for a period of no
more than two years, if the local elections official is authorized to
do so by his or her county board of supervisors. The application of a
public safety official would be a public record.”

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