Indirect indicators. Or maybe not.
December 5th, 2005 by Tom Johnson

journalists have a tendency to be too literal.  We want to ask a
question and we want the response to be a quote that is without
ambiguity.  One that's fills in some of the space between our
anecdotes.  But other times, we need tools that work like a
periscope, a device that allows us to not look at the object directly
but through a helpful lens.  Such periscopes for analyzing the
economy are indirect indicators.

(5 Dec. 2005) NYTimes' Business Section was loaded with references to
such indicators that journos could keep in mind when looking for
devices to show and explain what's happening.  Check out “
What's Ahead: Blue Skies, or More Forecasts of Them?”   Be sure to click on the link Graphic: Indicators From Everyday Life

Another indirector was mentined Sunday on National Public Radio in “Economic Signs Remain Strong
  There, an economist said he tracks changes in the “titanium dioxide” data, the compound is used in all white paint and reflects manufacturing production. 

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