A GoogleMaps-FundRace MashUp
December 14th, 2005 by JTJ

Gerry Lanosga, an investigative producer at WTHR-TV in Indianapolis, was kind enough to send along this link — to a nifty first shot at merging GoogleMaps with The Fundrace Project., that site that shows you who in any ZIP Code made contributions to which politicians.  Matthew Kane, a CS student at the Univ. of Indiana, put this together, and it's a fine beginning.  Be alert, however, that the Fundrace data is not always correct.  For example, we know a guy named John T. Johnson, who lives in ZIP 87505, fairly well.  The Fundrace Project says he is an airline pilot who works for UPS.  We know for sure that is not the case. 

The drill-down on Kane's 
Following the Dollars doesn't give the degree of detail that the Fundrace Project does itself, but keep on truckin',  Mr. Kane.  We need all of these utilities we can get.

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