The CCA has posted a link to this neat animated GIF showing, state-by-state, the occupant of the White House's approval rating. This wouldn't be hard for a newspaper to do, and it's easily updated.
The Changing Red-Blue Map
Published Sunday, March 19, 2006 by CCAer | E-mail this post

the 2000 and 2004 U. S. presidential elections, the red-blue divide has
frequently been talked about and mapped, so much so that the map has
become ubiquitous on the Internet (see 1, 2, 3 and so on). Radical Wit has posted an animated gif map
of the country showing George Bush’s approval ratings using the same
partisan colours as the election results maps. The map begins with the
2004 election and changes every five seconds to the next month. Maps of
individual maps are also available as static images.