UC Berkeley Library's Congressional Research Tutorials
April 4th, 2008 by Tom Johnson

We have long been fans — and users — of the research tutorials created by the good folks in the UC Berkeley library.  This item below from The Scout Report reminds me of that work and why I like it so much.  You, too, might find it a helpful link for your training efforts.

UC Berkeley Library's Congressional Research Tutorials [Macromedia Flash Player]

Making a clear and direct path through the vast amount of Congressional materials can be quite a chore, even for the most seasoned and experienced researcher. Fortunately, the University of California at Berkeley Library has created these fine Congressional tutorials. Designed to help users locate materials both online and in the library, these tutorials are in the form of short Flash-enabled videos. Most of the tutorials last about two minutes, and they include “Find a Bill”, “How Do I Contact My Representative?”, “Find Congressional Debate”, and “Find a Hearing”. After viewing one (or more) of these tutorials, users can also make their way to the “What's going on in Congress right now?” area to stay on top of the various activities of this important legislative body. [KMG]


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