Finally, real timelines are starting to come online
August 19th, 2008 by Tom Johnson

We've been pushing to get news sites to appreciate — and employ — the value of developing timelines for a couple years now (and have the rejected grant proposals to show for it).  But thanks to Nathan at FlowingData, we now have an example of what's at hand.

Tell Stories With Interactive Timelines from Dipity

Posted Aug 18, 2008 to Online Applications, Visualization by Nathan
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Tell Stories With Interactive Timelines from Dipity

Timelines, much like calendars, can be used to show changes over time
in a straightforward way. When you have a bunch of events that occurred
at certain times, mark them on a timeline, and you quickly get a sense
of what's going on. Take the timeline of 10 largest data breaches for example. You see breaches get more dense as time goes by.

Wrap this idea into web application form, and you get Dippity. There have been similar timeline
applications, but Dippity does it a bit better with a primary focus on
telling stories with timelines and a good interface. Zoom in, zoom out,
drag, and get alternative views as flipbook, list, and map.

Below is a little bit of context to my gas price chart. Check out the full version for a better idea of what Dippity offers.

[Thanks, Canna]

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