UPDATED: Inflation Conversion Factors for Dollars 1774 to Estimated 2019
October 1st, 2009 by analyticjournalism

Here at the IAJ, we have long been a fan — and user — of Prof. Robert Sahr's “Inflation Conversion Factors” web site and tools.  We were snoozing at the switch a bit and didn't notice that Sahr updated the site in early June 2009.  Check it out: it's filled with both PDF and Excel data/tools to calculate the comparative costs of most anything from 1774 to 2019.  The site also includes some fun data:

The charts on the following topics are available either by scrolling down or by selecting the appropriate link:

          Price levels and the US economy

          Millionaires Then and Now

          Pay of Presidents and Members of Congress

     Selected Government-related Items (number of government employees, Social Security and AFDC/TANF; stamp prices, minimum wage, mean and median family income)

          Presidential Election Costs 1860 to 2000

     National Government Budget:  Outlays (Spending), Revenue, Deficits or Surpluses, and National Debt

          Selected Commodity Prices (gasoline and gold) [gasoline revised June 2009, using June 2009 price data and estimated 2009 dollar conversion factors]


          Budget Details


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