“For the first time since its launch in 1999, the www.davidrumsey.com website has been completely redesigned and updated. With better navigation and structure, users will find it easier to explore the site's many viewers and collection database with over 21,000 maps online. A new Blog has been added to the site, and includes entries for Recent Additions, News, Featured Maps, Related Sites, and Videos. Over 200 historic maps from the collection can be viewed in a new browser-based version of Google Earth, and users can enter the Second Life version of the map collection directly from a dedicated Second Life portal page on the site. And the collection ticker at the bottom of the home page shows the entire online map library in random order over about 10 hours. As always, all maps can be downloaded for free directly from the site at full resolution. And a new service from Pictopia allows purchase of reproductions of any map in the collection directly from the new LUNA viewing software.”