More Visualization Links on Twitter
January 23rd, 2010 by Tom Johnson

Thanks to Steve Doig for the pointer to….

More Visualization Links on Twitter

By: Jeff Clark    Date: Sat, 23 Jan 2010

In a recent post I showed the Top 20 Individual Data Visualizations Mentioned on Twitter and remarked that many of the most frequently mentioned twitter links were to collections of visualizations. Shown below is a meta list of the top collection-type data visualization or infographic links.

Top Collections of Data Visualization Links

  1. 50 Great Examples of Data Visualization – Webdesigner Depot

  2. Data Visualization and Infographics Resources – Smashing Magazine

  3. 15 Stunning Examples of Data Visualization – Web Design Ledger

  4. 20 Essential Infographics & Data Visualization Blogs – Inspired Magazine

  5. Is Information Visualization the Next Frontier for Design? – Fast Company

  6. 28 Rich Data Visualization Tools – InsideRIA

  7. The Beauty of Infographics and Data Visualization – Abduzeedo

  8. 50 Great Examples of Data Visualization – Sun Yat-Sen University

  9. 20 Inspiring Uses of Data Visualization – SingleFunction

  10. 5 Best Data Visualization Projects of the Year – 2009 – FlowingData

  11. Data Visualization: Stories for the Information Age – BusinessWeek

  12. Data Visualization: Modern Approaches – Smashing Magazine

  13. The 21 Heroes of Data Visualization: – BusinessWeek

  14. 20+ CSS Data Visualization Techniques – tripwire magazine

  15. MEDIA ARTS MONDAYS:Data Visualization Tools – PSFK

  16. 37 Data-ish Blogs You Should Know About – FlowingData

  17. 5 Best Data Visualization Projects of the Year – FlowingData

  18. 30 new outstanding examples of data visualization –

  19. Infosthetics: the beauty of data visualization – PingMag

  20. 5 Beautiful Social Media Videos – Mashable

Here are the top product type links in the field according to Twitter data between March 24 and Dec 31, 2009.

Top Data Visualization Product Links Mentioned on Twitter

  1. Axiis : Data Visualization Framework

  2. The JavaScript InfoVis Toolkit

  3. Microsoft – What is Pivot?

  4. Many Eyes

  5. Roambi – Your Data, iPhone-Style

  6. Flare – Data Visualization for the Web

  7. – For a fact based world view.

  8. SpatialKey – Location Intelligence for Decision Makers

  9. Tableau Software – Data Visualization and Business Intelligence

  10. SIMILE Widgets

and finally:

Top Data Visualization Websites Mentioned on Twitter

  1. Information Is Beautiful | Ideas, issues, concepts, subjects – visualized!

  2. FlowingData | Data Visualization and Statistics

  3. Information Aesthetics | Information Visualization & Visual Communication

  4. | A visual exploration on mapping complex networks

  5. DataViz on Tumblr

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